Love is an Action

Love is an Action

Do you really love someone? Let's see how you act toward that person.
   Love is more than attraction and more than arousal. It's also more than sentimentality like so many of today's songs suggest. By this standard, is love dead when the emotion is gone? No, not at all. Because love is an action; love is a behavior.
   Over and over again, in the Bible, God commands us to love each other. And you can't command an emotion. If I told you "Be sad!" right now, you couldn't be sad on cue. Just like an actor, you can fake it, but you're not wired for your emotions to change on command.
   If love were just an emotion, then God couldn't command it. But love is something you do. It can produce emotion, but love is an action.
   The Bible says, "Let us stop just saying we love each other; let us really show it by our actions." (1 John 3:18). We can talk a good act "I love people." But do we really love them? Our love is revealed in how we act toward them.
"Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth." (1 John 3: 18)
(Source: Rick Warren Daily Devotional/

के तपाई साँच्चै कसैलाई प्रेम गर्नुहुन्छ? हेरौ कि तपाई त्यस व्यक्तिप्रति कसरी व्यवहार गर्नुहुन्छ।
प्रेम भनेको एकले अर्कालाई मन पराउनु र कुनै व्यक्तिप्रति आकर्षित हुनु होइन, त्यो भन्दा ज्यादा हो। अनि यो आजकलको गीतहरूमा वर्णन गरेको भावना र भावुकताभन्दा पनि बढि हो। यो तवरले हेर्दा, के प्रेम मृत हुन्छ जब त्यसमा भावना हुदैन? अहँ, कदापि त्यसो होइन। किनभने प्रेम एउटा कार्य हो, यो एउटा गरिने व्यवहार हो।


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