Choosing a Simpler Life

God never intended for you to make completing a to-do list the purpose of your life. The fact is, there are many things we think we must do that really are not worth doing. My point is this: You won't simplify your life by getting an electronic organizer. Simplifying is really about choices - prioritizing what is important - and then sticking to those choices no matter how tempting it is to add more to your to-do list. In fact, take those tempting activities and put them on a list of things not to do. You are the only one who can assume responsibility for your time and clarify what's really important to you. 'ढुङ्गा छर्ने एउटा समय छ, र ती बटुल्ने एउटा समय। अँगाल्ने एउटा समय छ, र अलग रहने एउटा समय। ' उपदेशक 3:5 ( by Rick Warren)