Sarah (सारा)

There probably isn't anything harder to do than wait, whether we are expecting something good, something bad, or an unknown. One way we often cope with a long wait (or even a short one) is to begin helping God get his plan into action. Sarah tried this approach. She was too old to expect to have a child of her own, so she thought God must have something else in mind. From Sarah's limited point of view, this could only be to give Abraham a son through another woman–a common practice in her day. The plan seemed harmless enough. Abraham would sleep with Sarah's servant, who would then give birth to a child. Sarah would take the child as her own. The plan worked beautifully– at first. But as you read about the events that followed, you will be struck by how often Sarah must have regretted the day she decided to push God's timetable ahead. Another way we cope with a long wait is to gradually conclude that what we're waiting for is never going to happen. Sarah wai...