We can hardly imagine what it must have been like to be the first and only person on earth. It's one thing for us to be lonely, it was another for Adam, who had never known another human being. He missed much that makes us who we are – he had no childhood, no parents, no family or friends. He had to learn to be human on his own. Fortunately, God didn't let him struggle too long before presenting him with an ideal companion and mate, Eve. Theirs was a complete, innocent, and open oneness, without a hint of shame. One of Adam's first conversation with his delightful new companion must have been about the rules of the garden. Before God made Eve, he had already given Adam complete freedom in the garden, with the responsibility to tend and care for it. But one tree was off-limits, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam would have told Eve all about this. She knew, when satan approached her that the tree's fruit was not to be eaten. However, she decided t...
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